Foto de Mihaly Flandorffer Peniche España

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Modern Minimalism Manifesto

By Peniche

Potentializing the Art World… The “Modern Minimalism” arises from the need that has the man to create new things. Every day is more complex to compete against the technology in certain areas (for example the animations by computer, the definition of a digital camera or the quality of impression), therefore requires of new tools to maximize the human potential.


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Modern Minimalism Manifesto

By Peniche

Potentializing the Art World… The “Modern Minimalism” arises from the need that has the man to create new things. Every day is more complex to compete against the technology in certain areas (for example the animations by computer, the definition of a digital camera or the quality of impression), therefore requires of new tools to maximize the human potential.

By means of this manifesto the premises are dictated to develop the art through the artistic current "Modern Minimalism".

The “Modern Minimalism” is the use of few elements to maximize a work. The idea is to create the greater number of possible parallel realities of a same event or object, using not only one sense but the maximum possilbe.

The artist will be able to use the following tools.

· ""Numbers"": Through numerology the artist uses numbers or a combination of these in his work, measures, distances, sizes and quantities will have its numerological meaning. Although the work use many numbers, these numbers must be consciously in the first place.

· "Symbols": Any symbol of any culture can be used, religion or place that helps to understand or to complement the result.

· "Astrology": The stars and constellations of the zodiac can be used in any form.

· "Material": When it is possible uses your own essence to potencializar the result or the essence of others.

In general any science , exact or not, applied to the “Modern Minimalism” are valid.



· A base color is due to choose for the painting, so the artist can paint over that or applied as he wants.

· Aside from the base color, will be used the 4 remaining colors for the elaboration of the work.

· As far as possible the colors are not due to mix, but if it is made, will not have to be the predominant color.

Considering this premise, the Modern Minimalism is divided in 2 parts:

Primary Modern Minimalismo: Is characterizes by the use of the primary colors plus black and white.


· Red

· Yellow

· Blue

Secondary Modern Minimalismo: Is characterized by the use of the secondary colors, which are extracted to mix the primary colors, plus black and white.


· Orange

· Purple

· Green

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